Member since September 06, 2013
SivaniDesigns (aka Silvia Nikolov )
Member since September 06, 2013
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My fashion story begins in 1984.
It was my first birthday. I was still shaky on my feet but I grabbed the handles of my Chico baby bag and started walking, trusting I was holding onto something reliable.
An old tradition in my country of birth (Bulgaria), which is still followed for fun is that when the baby makes her first steps by herself, she has to pick her profession. They let the baby walk towards a low table, set with objects, representing different professions. The object she picks determines what she will become when she grows up. Without any hesitation, I went for the thread and the needle.
Several years later, in first grade and in a drawing class, I was drawing sketches of models in fashion clothes. My teacher asked me: “So, Silvia, what will you be when you grow up?” I simply pointed towards my drawings and said without any hesitation: “A fashion designer.”
I came to the United States two days before my 21st birthday and several months later enrolled in IADT (The International Academy of Design and Technology). I graduated in 2009 with Bachelor's degree and title “interior designer”.
Sivani Designs started as a hobby back in 2006. I was making beaded bracelets and necklaces for myself. My husband and I put up a portfolio website of my work. Then, we turned it into an E-commerce website.
I design for the individualist - the man and woman who is not afraid to exhibit their true personality through their style and accessories. Sivani's bracelets, necklaces, bags, and wallets are a collection of fashion statements that give you the comfort and confidence to be yourself in every mood, time and place.