

Martin D-42 Peter Frampton Signature Edition. Only 76 were ever made to commemorate the 1976 release of Frampton Comes Alive. Mine is #44. I am one seriously happy camper right now.

Added in Cool Stuff, Music


  • DirtDoc 12 years, 5 months ago

    My father has owned a Martin for far longer than I've been alive, (our last name is Martin), and it was the first gutsy I ever played. I love that guitar.

    Martin is one if the few companies that has seemingly refused to water down the quality of its products.


  • Razorback

    Razorback 12 years, 5 months ago

    @squeej - Thanks.

    @ dirtdoc - Could not agree more. Buy the right one and it is a lifetime guitar. They optimize the beauty of American-made engineering and quality.


  • Razorback

    Razorback 12 years, 4 months ago

    @glen - Thanks. It was a surprise. I walked into a local music store and there it was, hidden in the used gear section. Have no idea how it ended up in my little corner of Arkansas.
