Kel Tec KSG
Posted by KyleSmith from
TheZealot, bigj8k, tyler.mccauley and 12 others like this
For zombie slayin'?
Added in The Dream Team
TheZealot, bigj8k, tyler.mccauley and 12 others like this
For zombie slayin'?
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JakeLonergan 12 years, 4 months ago
Reviewers love this thing. I'm trying to figure out why some KelTec stuff comes across as great and some as kind of cheese-ily made.
KyleSmith 12 years, 4 months ago
That's kind of how I feel about the PMR-30. I mean it's cool and all, but the dagum thing feels like it's made out of legos. Not sure if that's where you were going with that Jake. I like most of KelTec's stuff, I carry their PF-9, and P-32. The RFB is awesome. That gun FEELS legit when you're holding it.