

"Watson ate two bags of popcorn each day for ten years. Assuming he didn’t skip a day, and give or take a leap year, that’s about 7,300 bags of popcorn over the designated period of time. Due to his habit, he contracted a rare disease — referred to as popcorn lung — thought to have been contracted from inhaling so much artificial butter, rather than consuming the actual popcorn. Watson stated he only has about 53% lung capacity due to the illness."


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  • MarkBlemish

    MarkBlemish 12 years, 5 months ago

    Serves him right for eating fake butter and the chick whose dying of chicken nuggets, isn't chicken nuggets just a euphemism for chicken tumors? If you're going to kill your self with food, eat real food and die with pizza sauce stains on your thread bare tee shirt and grease stains on your comfort fit jeans, jeans from Kirkland none the less. I ramble.
