


  • LSUTigersFan

    LSUTigersFan 12 years, 4 months ago

    Say was you will about Fox, you are an idiot if you believe that Fox is as unreliable a news source as MSNBC is a reliable source. Simply because your source for news has views that dovetail your own does not equate to their being right and those who disagree being wrong or evil or whatever the flavor of the day is. I am a conservative, part-time Republican, and I despise Fox. I say that not as someone who thinks that Democrats are automatically right when the Republicans are wrong - I believe - on a particular point. If you find yourself slavishly agreeing with EVERYTHING that your political party says, you have NOT formed your own opinions. You are simply accepting what you are being told and accepting it as right because you are too lazy to take the time to learn all the facts and arrive at your own opinion. And this applies to ALL parties.

    My not wanting to cover Sandra Fluke's contraception is no more an attack on women than my frustration at not getting condoms for free when my fiancee cannot use birth control pills. It is Fluke's choice. She should bear the financial responsibility for her choices. I am overweight, and I have high blood pressure. I have been told that if I lose weight, my blood pressure would reduce accordingly. My blood pressure medication is not covered under my current insurance. And while I hate to spend the money on my medication, NO ONE owes me a penny for medication when the need for it is based in no small part upon my choice to not eat right nor work out more. People are responsible for their own actions in life. No one ever said life is fair or easy.


  • llmorris35

    llmorris35 12 years, 4 months ago

    LSUTigersFan take a chill pill no one said MSNBC was any more reliable than FOX and there are plenty of things that I disagree with that the Democrats do and say. With that being said your rant is excessive and not needed. The fact is Republicans want more control on women. This is a fight that was fought a long time ago. Women have the right to do what they will with their own bodies. If we are talking about the war on women then in MY OPINION, not what I have been told to believe, is that it is not my right to tell my neighbor what his daughter or wife can or cannot do. You can not want to cover her contraception all you want, and I do not blame you, I do not want to either. This conversation should be about the war on women not the cost of her birth control. Either way there is no need to rant and act like a complete fool. Way to keep it classy.
