

Pi is a 1.5" thick vegetable tanned leather bracelet, secured by stainless steel cable and contains the EVR1 Canon (humanity's greatest works on an 8 GB Micro SDHC card). In the center of the Pi is a circular design intimated by straight lines of stainless steel cable.

The circle represents the human journey, as Bill Plotkin so artfully articulated in his 2008 tome "Nature and the Human Soul". It also presented an incredible challenge to mathematicians and thinkers throughout early human history. For millennia, the world's eminent minds worked to define and understand the circle.

The Egyptian scribe Ahmes composed the Rhind Papyrus in approximately 1650 BCE. In it, he provided a method for finding the area of a circle through an approximation of the value pi. It was not until 1880 CE that Ferdinand von Lindemann proved that pi is not only irrational, but transcendental. Thus ending the 3,500 year effort to square the number, and suggesting that the most common human archetype lies beyond the reach of our cognitive mind. Pi is random, irrational, transcendental, and yet ubiquitous, universally known, used and relied upon by humans to exist, like something else whose nature has been debated since the Enlightenment.

Ahmes and Lindemann were separated by over three millennia, but it is their collaboration, along with the united efforts of countless others that provided an insight into the nature of our world. Everyday, throughout the course of human history, instances of collaboration between colleagues separated by centuries (e.g. Socrates & Jesus, Herman Melville & Jed McKenna, Shankara & George Harrison, Aristophanes & Oscar Wilde), have helped us better understand the human journey.
Pi Features:
- 2 pieces of vegetable tanned leather, secured by stainless steel cable. The band is secured by two nickel snaps.
- EVR1 Canon - contained in the center of the bracelet. The EVR1 Canon is a 8GB Micro SDHC card that contains humanity's greatest hits, which includes the US Army Field Survival Guide, the CIA World Fact Book, the entire Wikipedia corpus, a robust selection of how-to manuals (languages, math, farming, construction, bee keeping, hunting, fishing, etc.), the Eastern and Western literary canons, the world's sacred texts, and numerous essays from leading physicists, philosophers, psychologists and spiritual leaders. All EVR1 customers have online access to the EVR1 Canon for reading, downloading, updating, etc.
- The EVR1 Canon seal - protects the Micro SDHC card is made from material designed to withstand 950 PSI, 8,000 volts and temperatures up to 500F and electromagnetic radiation.
- EVR1 Community - exclusive online access to EVR1 community of customers/fans/mystics from around the world, who share links, stories and wisdom on the nature of the human experience


The EVR1 Canon contains humanity's greatest hits, the culmination of the 200,000 year-old human story, an interconnected weave of spirit and matter, art and science, mystery and certainty, faith and reason.

The works in this Canon are humanity's best, representing a library worth several thousand dollars. If you skimmed the cream off the top of the internet, you would be left with the few GB that comprise the EVR1 Canon.


It is designed for daily wear so that you can see, touch and meditate upon the Pi everyday.