Basically about half of the reported cases cause either meningitis or encephalitis...
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Basically about half of the reported cases cause either meningitis or encephalitis...
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JakeLonergan 12 years, 6 months ago
Wow, how many decimal places do you have to calculate out the population of the U.S. to reach 87? More people died this summer form heat stroke, I'll wager. Not that these people are unimportant but we've had West Nile in SoCal for years now and haven't seen "half" the cases turn into disastrous diseases. In fact, the vast majority go unreported since the only symptoms feel somewhat like mild flu. Actually, I cheer for WNV each year to kill off the annoying, raucous crows who start in about 5AM during the summer.
Another case of panic in the media. Autism in your vaccination, anyone?
KyleMueller 12 years, 6 months ago
Compared to previous years where it hasn't infected as many people or been as severe an increase from 1 or 2 to 87 is huge. They just want to know why and what they can do to prevent it from getting worse.
I do agree with you though that there is a lot of unnecessary fear spread by the media... I think that comes in when people don't understand the stats.
JakeLonergan 12 years, 6 months ago
I'd guess the increase is just due to increased area. The first several years were confined to SoCal so when you increase the available population by a factor of [whatever], you see more cases and deaths. Who knows? Maybe the heat of the summer didn't help.
Hey, look! We can separate paragraphs now. Thanks, Gentlemint, for taking my suggestion!