

"Helping the thinker believe and the believer think." I love RZIM


  • partenope 12 years, 6 months ago

    Interesting article? For the believers, maybe...yet, not really an "objective" site...then again, how can anyone be "objective" on religion??..Either you believe or you do not.


  • mango333

    mango333 12 years, 6 months ago

    That's easy - a resounding YES! I feel sorry for those insist on doing LIFE on their own strength. Jesus isn't just a by-word, an expression, or a mythological do-gooder. He was real, He lived, died and lives again. He promised to provide strength and encouragement for those who trust in HIM.

    Man kind is broken and broken things need mending and the help a crutch provides - support. Man was made to worship - to lean on a crutch - and we all do - money, power, intellect, women, sports, etc. I need Jesus in my life and I am not ashamed to admit this.

    The cool thing is that if I'm wrong about all this and have misplaced my trust, I still leave a legacy of self sacrifice and Love. Can you say the same?


  • KyleMueller

    KyleMueller 12 years, 6 months ago

    @kujo21 don't worry about egro he just does that...
    @mango333 I feel the same way! I think this article was kind of saying he didn't offer us a crutch but a cross. And that in life we are all imperfect and seek something to fulfill us or help us get through it. I don't know where I would be without Jesus. A much darker place to be sure.


  • Robochess 12 years, 6 months ago

    I couldn't access the article.
    However by the title I'll say this, and it goes equally to both sides of the debate. Some people use it as a crutch, some really have faith in its reality, some have faith in it as not a reality.
    What are you willing to bet your life on? What are you willing to bet your death on?


  • patrick 12 years, 6 months ago

    @Mango333, I can say I leave behind a legacy of love and self-sacrifice, but not because of religion or a belief in god. I just chose to "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law."

    I didn't chose this because of some promised reward (heaven) or fear of some punishment (hell) I did it because this is it, this is all we have, one go around, so lets be great to each other.

    That said, I respect believers and will defend until I'm blue in the face their right to freely practice and believe whatever religion they so chose. Whatever people need to help them be good citizens.


  • KyleMueller

    KyleMueller 12 years, 6 months ago

    @patrick I wish everyone who disagreed with someone else could conduct themselves as you do. I appreciate that, and respect your opinion. Kant, and his theories definitely have some truth to them.
    I don't think you quite grasp the motivations of a Christian though. As a Christian, we seek to please God not for a reward or because of fear of punishment. It's like being in a relationship, you want to please the other person because you love them.


  • egro 12 years, 6 months ago

    kujo21, they do not address arguments from an atheistic point of view, they create a straw man argument to try to defend their own point. The reason that I am an atheist is because the evidence for god, specifically the christian god, is little to none. The majority of believers follow the religion they do because they are a product of their environment: you follow the religion your parents taught you, or the one a friend introduced to you. If you take a step back and give any religion you encounter the same criticism, you'll find that they all lack evidence, significantly.
