

My new favorite artist!


  • AxeDoIt

    AxeDoIt 12 years, 6 months ago

    I'm sorry that current world affairs upset you. I had 5 likes and 1 save so I assumed that people liked this kind of stuff.
    This link is more oriented on the artist over political beliefs.
    If the majority of people don't want me to post political or religious things I will stop posting them and only post mindless/funny things, if thats what you're into.
    Thank you for commenting with your opinion though.


  • Crate38

    Crate38 12 years, 6 months ago

    He is a good artist from a technical standpoint, but his political metaphors are a bit ham handed, the fact that he has to explain what is going on in each portrait is bad.


  • AxeDoIt

    AxeDoIt 12 years, 6 months ago

    I beleive he explains what is going on in each portrate so that people don't miss interpret what he's trying to convay.
    I hope you don't mind my ignorance, but what does "ham handed" mean? It's not a phrase I'm familiar with.


  • Crate38

    Crate38 12 years, 6 months ago

    In the context of metaphor, it basically means someone is hitting you over the head with it. Basically the subtlety of a Mack Truck on fire whilst driving through a nursery. This piece itself is fine, but looking at 'Obamanation' it becomes a bit clearer.


  • AxeDoIt

    AxeDoIt 12 years, 6 months ago

    I honnestly can't say I 100% understand what you're saying here... Sorry if I come across as unintelligent, though I'm only 18 so i'd imagine you have some years of experience over me.
