a good political question
Posted by coffii_howz from i.imgur.com
Brian_Martin, KyleMueller, Crate38 and 7 others like this
I can get behind these issues!
Brian_Martin, KyleMueller, Crate38 and 7 others like this
I can get behind these issues!
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zamoose 12 years, 6 months ago
Duck-sized horses, obviously.
The "Stomp-Whinny!" sounds might get a bit old, though.
coffii_howz 12 years, 6 months ago
i think that would never get old. 100 duck sized horses it is!
Crate38 12 years, 6 months ago
Well, what was the answer? This is a make or break question for the candidates, and I would like to see it answered during the upcoming debates, of course the LAMESTREAM MEDIA would ignore such an important question.