F-15 Eagles
Posted by gregallison from vimeo.com
"This video was created to commemorate the 67FS winning the 2011 Raytheon Trophy for outstanding aerial achievement, given to the top air-to-air squadron in the USAF."
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markgerloff 12 years, 7 months ago
Am I missing something? I thought it was F-14 Tomcats and F-15 Eagles?
gregallison 12 years, 7 months ago
HA! You are right...Lemme fix that.
cadet_hoskin 12 years, 7 months ago
I am a non-pilot in the USAF. In my last squadron the combat cameraman (photographer) was grounded indefinitely, and I got a total of four sorties in the F-15D to pinch hit for him. Despite the vomiting that each flight brought on, those were truly the high points of my life, no pun intended. I honestly doubt my chances of ever doing anything that exciting again, but feel like I can die happy now that I've had that experience.