Nessue likes this
Reposting because I realized that I didn't want to draw any distinctions or conclusions one way or another and let the graphic speak for itself.
Thanks to those of you who posted originally.
Added in Thought Provoking
Nessue likes this
Reposting because I realized that I didn't want to draw any distinctions or conclusions one way or another and let the graphic speak for itself.
Thanks to those of you who posted originally.
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cacclay 12 years, 6 months ago
Well, I don't think the graphic speaks for itself. Or, I should say that it speaks for itself but unclearly. Does the question pertain to taxation or the concept of private property? I asked that earlier but never got the chance to check for a response.
JaDatNilla 12 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for chiming in again, Cacclay, I think it's talking about the concept of private property.
cacclay 12 years, 6 months ago
If that's the case then I would make a graphic that says "Why can't I live on this land just because someone else was born here." I mean, I completely understand the recent shift of mainstream thought towards libertarianism, but some of this stuff is just stupid. Why shouldn't we have private property? Really? So what if I want to live in Monticello or in San Simeon at Hearst Castle? Show me ONE successful, developed nation with unshackled peoples and a reasonable assortment of liberties that doesn't have and respect private property laws. You might as well post a cute picture of a baby with superimposed text saying "Why should people who can conceive get to keep all their babies when would-be parents are infertile" to start a "redistribution of children" discussion.
JaDatNilla 12 years, 6 months ago
IMO, private property creates a "us v them" mentality as opposed to a "we" mentality.
Does man really "own" anything at all?
TheMacc 12 years, 6 months ago
All other rights stem from private property. Without private property then the concept of self-ownership does not exist, and if the concept of self-ownership does not exist then people cannot act.
JaDatNilla 12 years, 6 months ago
I see your point in regards to private ownership but what about in the case of corporate ownership?
A company buys the land that a lake is on and suddenly it "owns" the fish? Seems silly to me.
cacclay 12 years, 6 months ago
So is it silly that if you buy a house, you own the grass? Or should that be communal? Should I have the right to cut your trees down for wood? Does my paycheck create an antagonistic mentality for those who make less than me? If so, is that my problem or theirs?
JaDatNilla 12 years, 6 months ago
I think that the land was there long before you claimed ownership and will remain there long after we're all gone.
So sure, for a tiny microscopic blip in the life of the earth, you "owned" it.