

I loved this system back in the day, but there's only a few games that stand the test of time.

Added in Video Games


  • williebence

    williebence 12 years, 6 months ago

    I hate to say it, but you're right. A lot of games I loved originally for this system don't hold up, unlike the NES and SNES. The N64 was just a weird transitional period. Developers were still figuring out 3D gaming, and the gameplay and graphics suffered on a lot of games.

    That being said, I still play Mario Kart and Smash Bros with friends religiously. Arguably the two best party games of all time, in my opinion.


  • TheRambler 12 years, 6 months ago

    While I have to agree with the points being made (Donkey Kong 64 was fun but...) I have to be honest, I completely disagree with this list. I didn't think Jet Force Gemini was that great when it came out, much less almost 20 years later. I would still play and enjoy Goldeneye or The World is Not Enough regardless of how "muddied" it is. I also have to echo the previous comments and say you can't skip Mario Kart and Smash Brothers.

    Also, why do the top five games have to be picked from Nintendo's virtual console? Up until a few years ago I still enjoyed playing my original 64 and kind of regret selling it.


  • duskvstweak

    duskvstweak 12 years, 6 months ago

    I don't really get people's loyalty to Mario Kart 64. I played it but could never get behind the game. It always seemed to have lost the point of Mario Kart. But, I guess I'm in the minority.


  • LukeWarmHand

    LukeWarmHand 12 years, 6 months ago

    My top games for the 64 were and still are Mario Kart, Golden Eye, and Perfect Dark. We would play these 3 games non-stop pulling all nighters every weekend. Golden Eye changed everything.


  • TheRambler 12 years, 6 months ago

    Oh shoot, how could I forget Perfect Dark?! That game was and still is awesome.

    @Eric: I never played the original Mario Kart so I'm legitimately curious here, what do you consider "the point" of Mario Kart?
