


  • cogan

    cogan 12 years, 6 months ago

    It's actually simply funny. It's not disrespectful to declare where you stand, and our culture of "tolerance" is ridiculous. And I would say the same thing if an Obama supporter wore a shirt that said, "I didn't build my business. Government did!" at a Romney event.


  • sfarquhar412 12 years, 6 months ago

    glad to see he cares about his country he built his company its time to get that country killers out of office and put Rommey in to get us going in the right direction


  • cogan

    cogan 12 years, 6 months ago

    Jimmy, how did Mr. Romney misquote the President? The exact quote is, "If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

    I'm sure people are accusing anyone who quotes the President on that of ripping it out of context, but read or listen to the whole speech and it's just a succinct summary of what he said as a whole.

    How is the gentleman wearing the t-shirt a tool? Is it because he doesn't agree with the President's socialistic tendencies? If so, you think an awful lot of honest, hard-working people are tools.

    I am challenging you on this, Jimmy: When you encounter a view that is different than yours, do you automatically surmise that the person is stupid? A lot of people I greatly respect disagree with me on political and theological issues, but I don't think that makes them stupid, or as you put it, a "tool."

    Let's step up our civility a bit in this season that already inherently causes division. We can absolutely discuss our differences of opinions, but do so with respect.


  • JimmyYurmudda 12 years, 6 months ago

    Fair enough, name calling wasn't fair and unnecessary, i take it back and apologize for my statement's lack of tact. I'll start fresh.

    The press's creative editing necessary to actually make the comment anything more than an unfortunate use of the dramatic pause is laughable. The Romney campaign seems to need to latch onto at best a gaff in order to make his views relevant. What are his views? I'm not sure even he knows where he stands on issues. He's against Obama care yet his state's version was used as its' basis. He's for big business but can anyone actually say that his version of big (carnivorous) business is the model that any of us actually aspire too and want to teach our children?

    It is unfortunate timing for your 2 party system. The rest of the world can now see how 2 parties with differing views can make government useless. I say your system because i am not american so i get to watch this from the outside (and do a lot). Health care for everyone??? Sounds like a horrible idea let's keep it For-profit like no where else on earth. Spending cuts to cut the deficit without a single point of tax increases makes no sense what so ever and benefits only the 1%. Speaking as a conservative voter(here)watching the republicans stymie every democratic attempt to make any kind of difference in some tough times only out of policy is ridiculous. In this day and age trying to convince most people that the poor in your country need less help and not more is incredible. Support the industries more to create jobs?? Come on it was your huge buying power and lowest bottom dollar consumerism (Walmart)that in effect caused manufacturing to move to places where it could be produced cheaper. I'm afraid your country needs to increase the brain-jobs in order to move out of this tough spot you're in because most manufacturing is gone for good.

    In conclusion (mops his brow) if i was american i would be a republican. I would however have an incredibly tough time voting that guy in as most of his own party has the "really, that guy's the best we can do?" attitude.


  • cogan

    cogan 12 years, 6 months ago

    Jimmy, thank you for that. Sincerely. That is the kind of discussion that gets missed on most people these days. I appreciate the time you took to state specific issues you take with Mr. Romney. I agree with some of them, and disagree with others. But at the end of the day, spirited debate is incredibly good for us. It makes us think about issues from another perspective. Or, should I say, has the potential to do so.

    I wish we didn't have to ever use the phrase, "Lesser of two evils" again, but alas, this is the world in which we live. I certainly don't think Mr. Romney is the be all, end all of conservatism or the Republican Party, but I tend to agree with him on more issues than President Obama.

    As a Christian, friends often assume that the Republican Party represents me. They don't. Neither does the Democratic Party. So what do I do? Throw away a vote on someone I truly admire (Ron Paul)? A vote for Paul in this election is tantamount to a vote for Barack Obama. Not voting achieves the same effect. So, I'll pull on my boots, head to the polls, and vote for the guy I agree with on one or two issues and who I think will make a better president.

    Again, thank you for your thoughts, Jimmy. Kudos.


  • Razorback

    Razorback 12 years, 6 months ago

    In the end, the problem is not government, it is the people's lack of determination to do anything about the government. You are being led by blind faith. Neither candidate is right or worthy. Sadly, we are trained to believe that one is better than the other. Quite honestly, it is the same ideology as the lottery. Legalized gambling.
