9mm's for Carry
Posted by jplawry from www.thetruthaboutguns.com
KyleMueller, hawkman, jhnsnlt1 and 6 others like this
Leaning toward the Shield I think...
Added in Guns n stuff
KyleMueller, hawkman, jhnsnlt1 and 6 others like this
Leaning toward the Shield I think...
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CDBell 12 years, 7 months ago
Wife has M&Pc. Good gun.
Bradleyd16 12 years, 7 months ago
I have the Shield in .40. LOVE this gun. You can't go wrong with this gun.
egro 12 years, 7 months ago
If only I was weak enough to need a gun...
kujo21 12 years, 7 months ago
Shield is a great little gun. I'd disagree that you can't go wrong with it. Shoot as many pistols as you can at a gun store and then decide. You won't regret doing it. M&P line is my favorite though.
Ergo, whats need got to do with it?
mango333 12 years, 7 months ago
Weakness has nothing to do with owning a gun. It is an American right and personal choice to own and use firearms responsibly.
badmambajamba5323 12 years, 7 months ago
If you get a chance, shoot a Springfield Armory XD in the subcompact .40 before you decide. I've got both & prefer the XD... both are great guns though!
JakeLonergan 12 years, 7 months ago
I don't blame you, when I saw how accurate Hickok45 was with this thing in his video I was green with envy. And I hadn't even tried out my new LC9 yet. Taking it out and practicing makes me think I'll be ok with the LC9 (nice smooth lines for the pocket and pleasant recoil) but if this had been on the market just a month earlier I might have gone for the Shield. Like the man said, try as many as possible. Tip: I found I was much more accurate point-shooting rather than using the sights. BTW, Mr. ergo, nobody here told you that you must go out and buy a firearm, please don't give those of us who do own firearms crap for it.