

Romney is going to announce his running mate early Saturday morning. Rumor suggests it will be WI congressman Paul Ryan. All I can say is after four years of B.O. I think America could use a little R&R.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 12 years, 7 months ago

    Before I say anything else, I will say this: I would take Ron Paul ANY DAY of the week over Obama. With that said, Paul is NOT on the ballot and to write him in or to just not vote is ridiculous. This mentality of "i'm just going to take my ball and go home" that Paul supporters seem to have is going to give the election to the man who is most OPPOSITE of their values. A non vote is a yes vote for Obama. So, to all you Paul supporters out there: I'm sorry your candidate didn't get the nomination because Romney wasn't my first choice either but now he is our candidate and we need to get behind him. Whatever it takes to get Obama out of our White House. So, your choice is between a business man who knows how to fix our economy or a goat herding Muslim from Kenya. Choose wisely.


  • duuude 12 years, 7 months ago

    Filadog, what do you mean he is "our candidate"? You can't speak for everyone. Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are so completely different about the only major thing they've got in common is that they both are technically members of the Republican Party and both attempted to get the Republican nomination.

    While you may have no problem with it -- a strategy which I can understand -- I personally refuse to endorse or "get behind" a candidate whose views I don't support and feel are very damaging to this country, even if on the whole I feel they may (may) be slightly less damaging than the incumbent's.

    And you're wrong about my mentality being "take my ball and go home" because my goal was never to vote the Republican nominee into office. By writing-in Ron Paul I'm the one following all the way though. If anyone is taking their ball and going home it's you by voting for Mitt, a status-quo politician, even though you'd take Ron Paul over him "ANY DAY of the week".

    Oh and by the way, Mitt Romney may be a business man, but that's not *necessarily* a good thing, as well all know that big business and big government often sleep together so they can mutually benefit at everyone else's expense. Regardless, he's also a status-quo politician. Don't believe the hype. As I said before, both are terrible candidates and the choice on the ballot is one between two evils. Sorry, but I'm not going to play that game like almost everyone else does every 4 years.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 12 years, 7 months ago

    @duuude: When you and the rest of the Ron Paul supporters go to the poll and dilute the Republican vote that could go to Romney and we get 4 more years of the greater of two evils, you will have no right to complain. Yes, it sucks that we are presented with the lesser of two evils, but dang, do you really want to make the choice that is going to have NO effect and result the guaranteed victory of the greater evil just to say that you "followed through" with your candidate?


  • AmazngSpiderpig

    AmazngSpiderpig 12 years, 7 months ago

    +1 Ron Paul - no compromise. I refuse to settle for the lesser of two evils. It might not make a difference this election but it might encourage more people to vote outside the fluff and bull crap of Dems & Reps for some real change the next election. Americans today give in to easy, don't hold their ground, and are too quick to settle for a partial but instant gratification.
