


  • mango333

    mango333 12 years, 6 months ago

    Define intolerance. Having a difference of opinion doesn't make one intolerant or a bigot. Unfortunately, anyone having a different opinion than a gay or lesbian, on the subject, is viewed as a bigot and intolerant. Seems like a double standard to me.


  • aleger 12 years, 6 months ago


    I suppose intolerant to the point of trying to physically and legally suppress the other's beliefs.

    People are not going to agree on homosexuality. That's fine. Attempting to legally discriminate (withholding access to state and other benefits/services) against someone for being gay is bigotry.

    For the record, legally discriminating against someone for being anti-gay, is also bigotry.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 12 years, 6 months ago

    It very much is a choice. There is nothing "natural" about a man dressed in a leather vest wearing makeup, fish net stockings and high heels prancing like a ballerina in a parade. It's a choice based in lust. If there is a "gay gene" then it must be passed from one generation to the next. Two members of the same gender can't procreate therefore that gene can't be passed to the next generation. It is a choice, or in the case of individuals such as prisoners, a lack of options. Even in ancient Japan, when Samurais would be gone from their wives for years at a time would turn to homosexual acts. Members of the GLBT community have become bullies and are trying to shove their way of life down everyone else' throat. In the end, I'm actually OK if Bill wants to go home and let his gym trainer, Lars, bend him over a couch. Just don't try to convince me they are in love because it's "natural".


  • mango333

    mango333 12 years, 6 months ago

    Sorry egro...that doesn't appear bigotted. Charged speech, certainly, but there was no more than an opinion being stated.

    Aleger, I would have to disagree with your definition of intolerance. By your definition everyone is intolerant for trying to legislate based on their own belief system. Lobbyists are nothing more, by your definition, than representatives of intolerance and legislators nothing more than bigots.

    If you're referring to gay/lesbian marrital rights, then again, you're definition does not fit what's occurring. The rights aren't rights as you'd like to call them, but rather priveleges. Those priveleges are granted, by our society, for the distinct role heterosexuals play in expanding the society.

    A homosexual's rights are not being infringed upon, nor should they be. And I, for one, am quite tired of the term "rights" being interchanged with priveleges and then used as a reason to call people who disagree with the homosexual agenda bigots and intolerants.


  • aleger 12 years, 6 months ago

    Sorry Stephen you are wrong. Marriage is a right and has nothing to do with procreation. It is not required for procreation, marriage was originally a property transaction between families.

    Even if I grant you that marriage is a privilege and not a right, there are still no non-religious grounds to withhold it from homosexuals. Other privileges society bestows like driving licenses, property, etc., are not withheld from anyone by virtue of how they were born.


  • mango333

    mango333 12 years, 6 months ago

    aleger...I thank you for your opinion and will leave us at agreeing to disagree. I'd love to debate this fully, unfortunately, this isn't a very good forum to do so.

    Peace be unto you and God bless.
