A suggestion - we create a third political line. We'll have "conservative", "liberal", and "despicable". If you do or say things like encouraging a person you disagree with to kill themselves, you give up your right to seriously argue for either conservative or liberal talking points, and instead can only serve as an example of how ugly despicable people are.
Well put Dirt Doc. If anyone as twitter, I encourage you to get on and support @CoreyCogdell for representing all Americans, even these nausiating citizens.
I am sure she eats all that she shoots... Real hunter want to preserve wilderness areas, and wetlands,, Ducks unlimited has done this for years. Hunters get mad at people who poach or hunt illegally. They also pump money into the areas they hunt and fish. Animals rights advocates would not have a problem killing a rodent if it was in their house. Why don't they practice "Catch and release" or at least eat what they have killed?
Thanks for the post. I like, and I agree with these comments. It is hard if not impossible to understand how open minded people can be filled with so much bitterness and hate.
Classy young woman. It's a shame that she is being put through all this by those so called "tolerant" morons from the Left. Liberals claim to be tolerant of all views until they hear one that opposes their own. Then, they label that person who opposes them as a "racist", "bigot" or "extremist".
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DirtDoc 12 years, 7 months ago
A suggestion - we create a third political line. We'll have "conservative", "liberal", and "despicable". If you do or say things like encouraging a person you disagree with to kill themselves, you give up your right to seriously argue for either conservative or liberal talking points, and instead can only serve as an example of how ugly despicable people are.
rku2ig 12 years, 7 months ago
Well put Dirt Doc. If anyone as twitter, I encourage you to get on and support @CoreyCogdell for representing all Americans, even these nausiating citizens.
banjoben 12 years, 7 months ago
We need a way to like comments, because I want to 'like' DirtDoc's comment.
cadet_hoskin 12 years, 7 months ago
I want to 'like' Ben McCarty's comment.
rnrburchell 12 years, 7 months ago
I am sure she eats all that she shoots... Real hunter want to preserve wilderness areas, and wetlands,, Ducks unlimited has done this for years. Hunters get mad at people who poach or hunt illegally. They also pump money into the areas they hunt and fish. Animals rights advocates would not have a problem killing a rodent if it was in their house. Why don't they practice "Catch and release" or at least eat what they have killed?
Robochess 12 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the post. I like, and I agree with these comments.
It is hard if not impossible to understand how open minded people can be filled with so much bitterness and hate.
Filadog 12 years, 7 months ago
Classy young woman. It's a shame that she is being put through all this by those so called "tolerant" morons from the Left. Liberals claim to be tolerant of all views until they hear one that opposes their own. Then, they label that person who opposes them as a "racist", "bigot" or "extremist".
aeroben 12 years, 6 months ago
Three cheers for DirtDoc. Whether or not you agree with someone's hobbies or political views, telling them to kill themselves is despicable.