

Really? Have our politicians forgotten about our right to free speech? If you don't agree with chic fillet, don't eat there! However we should all be concerned as voting citizens that the politicians are trying to get the government involved. And these same politicians I bet are the loudest when it comes to separation of church and state debates, yet they seem to be imposing their religious beliefs on others when it suits there needs.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 12 years, 5 months ago

    Liberals are "tolerant" until they find someone who disagrees with them. Then, that person is a "bigot", "racist", etc....

    I'm sick of the double standards and I'm sick of Conservatives/Republicans being attacked when they speak their minds. All the owner of CFA said was that he believed in traditional marriage and the Liberal news media have crucified him for it. Rosanne Barr said that all Conservatives should have their heads cut off. Not a peep from the mainstream media. Heck, a black guy, just after Katrina, was recorded at a meeting (on CSPAN) calling for the annihilation of the white race. Again, not a peep from the media. Can you imagine if a white guy had called for the genocide of the black race?


  • LukeWarmHand

    LukeWarmHand 12 years, 5 months ago

    Patrick - You can eat eggs from "same-sex chickens", that is to say, chickens don't need to mate to produce eggs. It blew my mind at first. A hen produces eggs just like a female human. However I agree, when I can eat a chicken concieved from same-sex chickens, I might care as well.


  • DirtDoc 12 years, 5 months ago


    The reason no one commented on Rosanne Barr's comment is because she's crazy. Here's a great headline: "Crazy person says something crazy. Footage at 11".
    No one blames the right wing for Fred Phelps, even though he ostensibly an extreme right winger. (He's actually "completely batshit", but until we switch to a 3-axis political system, he stays on the right).

    In the end I have to agree with the Foxnews article - the difference is that she used official letter head and spoke as Speaker, which as Councilman Mallone (notably a democrat) pointed out, means the council has to vote on that. If she had used her own paper, and not spoken as "Speaker of the council", it'd have been fine. Furthermore, the company is not engaging in discriminatory behavior towards patrons or employees, which means there's no legal basis to exclude them.
