The headline doesn't quite tell the tale of a heckler getting it right back. I think Dan is a puss for apologizing personally.
The headline doesn't quite tell the tale of a heckler getting it right back. I think Dan is a puss for apologizing personally.
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JMU21VT16 12 years, 8 months ago
I agree. First, Tosh has always made those types of jokes. Then you interupt him and don't expect him to say anything in return? I am amazed that was all he said to her.
DirtDoc 12 years, 8 months ago
Who cares if he's "always made rape jokes"? It just means he's always been wrong.
And honestly, yeah, you don't heckle a comedian without expecting lash back, but he chose to do so by more than doubling down on something not okay in the first place.
JMU21VT16 12 years, 8 months ago
i am not saying if he is right or wrong, i am just saying that is the type of person he is. Stealing from another site where i read about this first, he isnt trying to be right, its not like he is up there performing "wikipedia live" He is a commedian, and a dick, you should expect it from him.
DirtDoc 12 years, 8 months ago
No, I got that point. I'm disagreeing with it.
The whole reason for the backlash is that "being a dick" or being edgy (or ironic, for all the hipsters) isn't a good enough excuse anymore. Rape jokes aren't okay, full stop. If he isn't trying to be right, no one should get upset when people start calling him wrong.
Openionated 12 years, 8 months ago
Anyone who gets butt hurt about someone saying words, needs to lighten up a bit. Stick & stones and all that jazz.
Robochess 12 years, 8 months ago
I find that most comedians these days are lacking talent, but even more sad is that in the effort of believing they are funny they delve into the gutter. The comedic routines revolve around sex and cursing. A true comedian can make people laugh with out having to be vulgar. I don't believe all swearing should be off limits,if that is the only way you can make people laugh is to cuss or belittle the pain of others, sorry, you are not funny. Rape is painful, not only to the person assaulted, but also to friends and family. I would not condon this in the least, but would anybody saying that his remarks are funny still find those remarks funny if their mother, wife, or daughter were raped? He needed to appologize.
TheRambler 12 years, 8 months ago
I don't get how people keep missing the implied gentlemen part of the Gentlemint. Is it gentlemenly to make rape jokes? No. Is it gentlemenly to laugh at them? No. It's also not gentlemenly to call someone a derogatory name for female genitals for apologizing when he was rude to someone. Especially when the way he was rude to her was to say outright that it would be funny if she was gang raped in front of everyone (regardless of how genuine he was being). Tosh's apology was the most genlemenly part of this story. He realized that in his annoyance at being interrupted he crossed the line.
Openionated 12 years, 8 months ago
It must be easy to see above everyone, so high on your horses and all. These are words people. Words. If she was offened she should have just left. No need to add to his bit. Not a soul in there paid to hear any words she had to say. If that brand of humor isn't for you, move on. Please stop with this self righteous banter. Once people aren't allowed to say words in this country we're doomed.