As a Christian and a Human being I find the actions of westboro church deplorable. They give Christians a bad name. I am also glad that the students stood up to them.
I would say that most people that actually love God, and try to follow the teachings of Christ would not act like these people. Considering Christ hung out with people like me, the rejects, and low life's of society, and tried to teach humility to the people of standing, these people are so far off base from what I know, it is sad.
The Westboro Baptists preach the same theme of the bible: love god or go to hell. Christianity is not a religion of compassion, it's a religion of santa claus for adults.
I am sorry Ergo, but it seems that either you have only dealt with religion, or you are ignorant to what the life of a Christian that is living according to the words of Jesus really is. The words of Jesus are about loving others, and not throwing the 1st stone. very contrary to westboro, that only spew hatered.
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KeithBabyBaptistThompson 12 years, 7 months ago
Im going to go ahead and say that Westboro does not in anyway reflect the behavior of true Christ following Christians.
AmazngSpiderpig 12 years, 7 months ago
Could not have said it better!
mmccalpin 12 years, 7 months ago
TheZealot 12 years, 7 months ago
As a Christian and a Human being I find the actions of westboro church deplorable. They give Christians a bad name. I am also glad that the students stood up to them.
Robochess 12 years, 7 months ago
I would say that most people that actually love God, and try to follow the teachings of Christ would not act like these people. Considering Christ hung out with people like me, the rejects, and low life's of society, and tried to teach humility to the people of standing, these people are so far off base from what I know, it is sad.
abledog 12 years, 7 months ago
egro 12 years, 7 months ago
The Westboro Baptists preach the same theme of the bible: love god or go to hell. Christianity is not a religion of compassion, it's a religion of santa claus for adults.
Robochess 12 years, 7 months ago
I am sorry Ergo, but it seems that either you have only dealt with religion, or you are ignorant to what the life of a Christian that is living according to the words of Jesus really is. The words of Jesus are about loving others, and not throwing the 1st stone. very contrary to westboro, that only spew hatered.