Android vs. iPhone
Posted by sethgoldstein from
tmacken, tomdisabledvet, JMU21VT16 likes this
It just goes to show you that open is better than closed.
Added in Musings
tmacken, tomdisabledvet, JMU21VT16 likes this
It just goes to show you that open is better than closed.
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Robochess 12 years, 7 months ago
I'll admit, I'm ignorant, but I don't see how just pictures prove that open is better then closed. Aren't they pretty much the same, just competing companies?
badmambajamba5323 12 years, 7 months ago
Huh... to me it looks like when you have something that works better than anything else on the market, why change?
astoldbyatech 12 years, 7 months ago
yea, turns out change really doesn't help. They have a successful product that has consistently worked for 5+ years. Instead of a consistently good product the open source piece of shit that is android keeps putting their software on ridiculous and gigantic phones that have no consistency of value.