They are following thru with this. Wow, this could be interesting. 1 person tested more then anybody else, and never failing 1test, against eyewitnesses. 1 would think they feel they have a strong case, we'll see.
They are following thru with this. Wow, this could be interesting. 1 person tested more then anybody else, and never failing 1test, against eyewitnesses. 1 would think they feel they have a strong case, we'll see.
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cyclepunk 12 years, 7 months ago
If you're the judge, jury, and executioner, willing to accept hearsay as evidence...any case can be made strong. I suppose.
Peter_Kirkpatrick 12 years, 7 months ago
They've already said that all of the evidence is witness testimony. Conveniently, all of the witnesses are rivals, enemies, and other cyclists that ACTUALLY tested positive. There isn't a single positive drug test for Armstrong entered as evidence. That is sheisty as hell. Very un-manly