

I got the matched pair for my son to use at matches so I could have my EMF Hartfords back. As much fun as my '75 Outlaws and the matching .44-40 Winchester Yellowboy are, I am moving in slow motion competing with them. Anyway, these things are sturdy, pretty and shoot well but I had to send one back to Ruger before I ever fired it. I guess this is fairly common for all manufacturers but I also had to send back an M-77 because the firing pin wouldn't hold in place after being cocked (also brand new). At the time that was two of the four Ruger products I owned. Born under a bad sign, I guess.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 12 years, 7 months ago

    They sure did! One feature Ruger doesn't stress enough is the rear notch is cut a little wider so you can pick up the front sight faster. Makes a bunch of difference.
