

I have a Ruger LC9 and SR9c to test but the SR9c is still in the paperwork stage. I'd also like to get two dippings in FrogLube for both of these before I ever fire them. I'll also be evaluating a couple of powders (WST and WSF) with hand loads when I get them out to the range. Too much testing for one trip? NAH! ;) Edit #1; Got this thing dipped in Frog Lube twice now so if I can get inspired, or my son bugs me enough, I'll drag myself out to Wes Thompson's Shooting Range to try this and the LC9 out. I really don't like going out there when it's above 90 but, according to the rules of this site, I have to be manly and do it. Gaaah! Edit #2: Spent the morning out at the range. 90 degrees wasn't enough, I had to wait for a 100 degree day but it all worked out. This is one sweet shooting pistol. VERY happy with this purchase! Smooth, accurate and nary a hiccup with either of the new Rugers I bought (an LC9 being the other). Oh, happy day.

Added in Gun Stuff


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 12 years, 5 months ago

    Wow, Mike, THAT'S not good. I am a lefty but since I just picked it up last night I have not real reached the holster selection stage yet. If I can only find RH holsters, so be it. Following the advice by Masaad Ayoob I read in a magazine years and years ago (like, the 80's!), I have been shooting SASS matches using a two-strong-side holster and forcing myself to use both hands. It's paid off, I'm not married to one side any more.
