


  • macbaker

    macbaker 12 years, 10 months ago

    Daniel Craig is a good actor, but the current Bond has little style, less class, and is little more than a thug.

    I also wonder when Bond became Jason Bourne? A British Matt Damon, short and blond! No thanks. Connery still rules as Bond, and he always will!


  • Admiral

    Admiral 12 years, 10 months ago

    While I certainly agree that Connery is king, Craig has breathed new life into Bond. In my opinion the movies had become parodies of themselves. They lost their edge and were full of cliches.

    Craig's Bond may be rough around the edges but he is a man of action and ideals. I am enjoying his run.

    That being said I am still curious to see what Clive Owens could do with the role.
