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Posted by themikee73 from
Bryan_Silva, Sbolster07, josh.nila and 6 others like this
Ruger LCP with Talon Pocket Holster,
iPhone 4 with Otter Box,
Benchmade Mini-Barrage,
Leatherman Charge Ti,
Citizen WR-200,
Cannon PowerShot SD950 IS,
Corsair Voyager 16GB,
Chapstick Classic,
Fossil Wallet,
Homemade Paracord Bracelet,
S-Ring Caribiner with Leatherman Squirt PS4,
Streamlight ProTac 2AA,
Streamlight Stylus Pro,
Gel Pen
Added in EDC Gear
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BCV 12 years, 10 months ago
Finally a gun. But I still give you a C-.
Too much stuff to cary. Phone, Knife, Light, Wallet, Watch*, and a Gun.
Abaker2375 12 years, 10 months ago
Nice!! I agree with everything here. I personally carry Kimber but the Ruger LCP definetly is a nice gun!