Amazing. His writing stated exactly how I have personally felt on about 2 occasions, while at the movies. Except I actually act on my impulses. Threw a soda down and over 4 rows to hit a Jamaican fella who wouldnt stop talking on his phone during the movie. And told an older couple to literally "shut the f#ck up" when I had taken my Mother out to the movies for her birthday. All those worthless piles of flesh need to die.
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elancaster65 13 years ago
Now that is the funniest thing I've read all week!
BrianMC 13 years ago
I feel bad for the dude, that beeyotch sounded CRAZY.
Alex_Gelsinger 13 years ago
Amazing. His writing stated exactly how I have personally felt on about 2 occasions, while at the movies. Except I actually act on my impulses. Threw a soda down and over 4 rows to hit a Jamaican fella who wouldnt stop talking on his phone during the movie. And told an older couple to literally "shut the f#ck up" when I had taken my Mother out to the movies for her birthday. All those worthless piles of flesh need to die.