
Categories radio about UFO's, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained phenomena...

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1 comment

  • elancaster65

    elancaster65 12 years, 9 months ago

    True story: When CtC was with Art Bell, I was a talk radio board op. Was learning the overnight shift when Art Bell was on. His caller was talking from a phone booth about Area 51, aliens, etc. claiming he wouldn't give a name because he was being harassed by the Gov't. Next thing we know, the show goes off the air. I look at Robert across the studio, he looks at me. We check the satellite uplink...still putting out a signal. No Art Bell. We check everything; it's all working fine. 2 minutes later Art's back on the explaining he lost power and his signal to the satellite. Robert and I kept the lights on high for the rest of the night...
