glen, TheRambler, Teidson and 5 others like this
You’ve got it all: the man cave, the ginormous flat screen, a pimple free complexion. However, you’re probably missing the Villain Chair. Sure, world domination isn’t on your agenda. We all agreed on that, right? But there is nothing like turning around and greeting your guests in the same vein of a bad guy straight out of a James Bond film.
Enter the Villain Chair. It’s a whopping $7,000 and for that kind of cash you could buy a car or very nice motorcycle. But keep in mind that the Villain Chair is hand crafted using steel and 20 padded leather facets on formed aluminium. In other words any way you site, however big or you are, the Villain Chair should be able to mold to your awkwardly shaped body. Strangely enough the Villain Chair is made by a company called Suck UK – let’s hope they mean you’ll suck less when you buy their furniture – still odd, though.
(Small print: missile silo and fluffy white cat are sold separately.)
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James_Maida 12 years, 10 months ago
Dig it!
qoyyuum.asrinah 12 years, 10 months ago
Well well well. For $7k, that is a crime to pay for.