

Hotdogs? You want hotdogs? I'll grill you the best damn hotdog you ever had with my Arctic Pearl Granite Viking Grill Island! Oh yeah, I'll look damn good doing it too.


  • JonnyLCash 12 years, 11 months ago

    So the Lord strucketh down the beast of the field and commanded his loyal servant to cook a feast for his people with it, but the servant said "Nay Lord for I have no grate to set the meat upon nor thermal regulating box to cook it in." Then the Lord chastised his servant and said "Do I not provide for my people, not look upon the backporch" and there on the backporch servant saw that a light from heaven had shown down and in it was the Viking Island Grill with its 836 square inches of cooking space and 3 29,000 BTU burners capable of reaching 750 degrees F inside its double walled lid, and the BBQ was good in the sight of the Lord our God.
