Porter Rockwell
Posted by christopherking from www.porterrockwellutah.com
Mike_Winters, The.Minted.Dad, JerCon and 3 others like this
Orrin Porter Rockwell, one of the Old West's greatest characters. Joseph Smith promised Porter that if he never cut his hair his enemies would never harm him (Prophecy fulfilled). Porter Rockwell served as Joseph Smith’s and Brigham Young’s bodyguard.
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Mike_Winters 13 years ago
Porter Rockwell was one hardcore dude.
danIELBCLARK 13 years ago
He looks scary enough on his own, but when you learn more about him you just know not to mess with the man. Go Bro Rockwell!
egro 13 years ago
Do you think his magic underwear helped protect him? It was probably just his delusions.