

1 comment

  • huckberry

    huckberry 12 years, 8 months ago

    Deus Ex Machina: God is within the machine; beauty is within the object.

    In the heart of Venice, CA stands the latest addition to the empire of Deus Ex Machina, an Australian surf brand with the heart of a single-cylinder motorcycle, and a house favorite here at Huckberry.

    Peek inside the gas station turned flower shop turned Emporium of Postmodern Activities, and you’ll find a cudgel of well-caffeinated, hirsute gents flanked by custom built motorcycles and surfboards.

    Squint, and you’ll see unique art, apparel, books, and creased couches that beckon you to sit.

    Deus (“day-us”, as Ryan Reynolds corrects Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson in this clip, ~ 7 min), began as a Sydney-based collective of enthusiasts who set out to produce custom surfboards and motorcycles that ran counter to the corporatized surf and moto industries of today.

    Six years later, Deus’s rugged individualism and creativity, coupled with its kick-ass boards, bikes, and apparel line, have found a cult following in Sydney, Southeast Asia, and now, the U.S.

    Perhaps most importantly, they know to properly throw a house warming party.
