

One of the best beers being made right now. And one of the last American owned breweries. I heart Kansas City


  • Perry.FostersBBQ

    Perry.FostersBBQ 13 years, 1 month ago

    They have expanded a lot in the last year or two. I'm pretty sure they are distributing to the majority of the Midwest. I want to say they are as far east as Illinois or Ohio now. I believe you can order it online.

    I feel the same about some of your beer. I wish I could get my hands on a few of those.


  • nicksails

    nicksails 13 years, 1 month ago

    Don't get me wrong, Dogfish Head, Troeg's, Flying Dog and others are all wonderful (even the local swill National Bohemian has its place). But, they aren't Boulevard! Next time I'm driving cross country, I'm going throw a couple cases in the back and live out my "moonshiner" fantasy.


  • Perry.FostersBBQ

    Perry.FostersBBQ 13 years, 1 month ago

    I don't think there's a cooler thing you could have on your record.

    And next time you just so happen to be road-tripping cross country you let me know and I'll buy you a Boulevard.
