

Better shave, save money, and feel damn manly. Why wouldn't you do this?


  • Wyndeborne 13 years, 1 month ago

    Coming up on day 78 of straight razor shaving myself. As a student I have the time to do this properly each morning, and it helps me focus my thoughts on the day ahead of me. Not to mention a one-off investment in kit is already helping on my finances.

    Smelling of the Scottish Highlands is, of course, not a drawback either.


  • Perry.FostersBBQ

    Perry.FostersBBQ 13 years, 1 month ago

    I had been shaving with a safty razor for about a year and a half before I started growing my beard. I've had it for probably 8 months. I do still look at my razor and brush every morning longingly and have to give serious thought to shaving.

    I've always wanted to get into straight razor shaving but always had to do a double take when I saw the cost of a decent razor and strop.


  • djboring

    djboring 13 years, 1 month ago

    I've been shaving with a DE for over a year now. Love it!

    My wife is thoroughly entertained by my routine, and loves the good smelling creams that I use.

    My son (almost two years old) even got me a sample pack of Truefitt & Hill shaving creams (plus aftershave balms and colognes) for Christmas!


  • Perry.FostersBBQ

    Perry.FostersBBQ 13 years, 1 month ago

    That's great. I think all women arent sure about the saftey or straight razor shaving. They all end up loving the closer shaves and all of the smells though.

    Sons like your son knows what daddy likes.
