

I had no idea stores just threw stuff like that away.


  • ahnyerkeester

    ahnyerkeester 5 years, 10 months ago

    There is a guy who cruises our neighborhood with a shopping cart filled and with full bags hanging on it that practically triples the width of it just getting recyclables our of our trash and recycling bins.

    There is gold in them thar trash cans!


    • ahnyerkeester

      ahnyerkeester 5 years, 10 months ago

      Oh, and since I'm feeling chatty, I'm going to tell you my favorite trash story.

      Back in the 70s Michigan implemented a 10¢ deposit on pop and beer cans and bottles. When I was in high school I was heading to work at McDonalds and was almost out of gas and money. When I got to the party store at the end of my street, there in the parking lot was a huge pile of beer bottles. Apparently a beer truck had forgotten to close their back door and spilled them when they pulled out. I pulled over and filled my trunk and back seat with bottles. After work I had to go to about four or five different stores to redeem them all because they had limits on how much they'd take.

      So much for being almost out of gas and money! I hit the jackpot that afternoon.


    • jordan

      jordan 5 years, 10 months ago

      Yep! We live in the country and find that a lot of people just chuck cans out of their cars on rural routes. On our after-dinner-walks, we pick up cans and eventually sell as scrap aluminum. We've found everything- Shasta to designer IPAs. My favorite so far was an 8 oz can of Miller Lite, why does that exist? We've made a whopping $20 so far, but it's a win-win for a clean neighborhood and a minor amount of extra cash.


      • glen

        glen 5 years, 10 months ago

        Well done, Jordan! My mom made my brother and I do this when we were kids living in the country. She'd drop us off a mile from home with a couple of garbage bags and we'd begin the trek back. We found some really amazing things. While I thought it was torture growing up, it really made me hate litter and appreciate the outdoors.
