I laughed a lot reading this story. There's nothing better than reading accounts of man testing the limits of poorly executed e-scooter sharing technology.
I laughed a lot reading this story. There's nothing better than reading accounts of man testing the limits of poorly executed e-scooter sharing technology.
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brian 6 years ago
There's something subtly funny about the pictures that accompany this, not sure if it is just the natural awkwardness of riding a scooter as an adult or what, but they were pretty great.
glen 6 years ago
Yeah, the pictures were the things that made me laugh most.
Razorback 5 years, 12 months ago
"I passed a group of hikers and their dogs. They yelled at the dogs to “sic ‘em,” but their beasts were too unruly to give chase."
Tragedy narrowly averted.
glen 5 years, 12 months ago
Hikers, man. They're a mean bunch.