Very simple, but I add a twist: I like to use the side burner on my grill outside. That way the smoke doesn't choke out the rest of the house.
Also, if you're going to make multiple rounds of these, be sure to scrape the cheese of the pan. Over time the cheese will become acrid and produce nasty smoke. Not good.
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brian 6 years, 1 month ago
I'm mostly on board with this recipe with one exception: I have to have a bottle of beer on hand to exert some extra force on the spatula when flattening out the burger. Of course it also serves as a welcome refreshment when standing over a searing hot grill.
glen 6 years, 1 month ago
That sounds like an indispensable tool, and a major oversight by the chef in this article.
Razorback 6 years, 1 month ago
I recently acquired a Blackstone griddle so I will be attempting this as soon as it warms up outside. Most likely, I will use a cast iron press to smash the burger as it tends to render a more equal downward pressure. I would also suggest a spice combo of salt, black pepper and garlic salt for additional flavor.
Oh, and Brian's beer recommendation is spot on, spatula or not.
glen 6 years, 1 month ago
Cast iron press! That's an idea for the Reserve. Thanks, Razorback.