

A light but authoritative look at being your best no matter what your age.

Added in Agless Style


  • elancaster65

    elancaster65 6 years, 7 months ago

    "Finally, we never wear white running shoes, unless we're out running. And even then, consider some black or dark gray Nikes."

    Since HS, I have worn, almost exclusively, with only two deviations, and those being one blue and one black, white Nike Air Monarch's. They had a little airplane on the sole. They discontinued it in 2016. When I went to the Nike Outlet and pointed to my shoes and asked the 20-something if they had any of "those", he snickered, choked back a laugh and said, "No". Had my wife not been there (and who likes to tell the story and laugh!) I might have growled and said, "Get off my lawn."

    Anyways...good article. But I'm comfortable in my cargo shorts/polo shirt get up. At work, I dress smartly. On my own, I'm comfortable. Traveling...comfort with style.
