

Get down with a Guinness, then get back to "buiness".


  • Cody

    Cody 12 years, 11 months ago

    Tolerance means respecting differences, not ignoring them. And my opinion is I don't care what he drinks or if he can give a speech. I want someone who has a clue what they are doing. Both parties have put the country on a path to distruction, this guy has just accelerated it significantly.


  • cpachecoiii

    cpachecoiii 12 years, 11 months ago

    I think he has a very good clue of what he's doing. I also think his entire presidency has been overshadowed with way too much unjust hatred and ignorance. Sadly, we've become a "me" country instead of a "we" country. If that's socialism then so be it. Remember "United" States of America. "Indivisible"


  • archer

    archer 12 years, 11 months ago

    carl anders, are you suggesting that my opinion somehow evidences intolerance? of what, exactly? is that suggestion evidence of yours, and of your evolution?
