

Give me a McMansion or give me death.
Not really.

Added in Wisdom


  • elancaster65

    elancaster65 6 years, 10 months ago

    We went from 800 sqft to 1100 sqft to 1700 sqft to 2700 sqft to find that our current 2100 sqft is adequate.

    Downsizing IS all that it's cracked up to be. Especially after 30 years of marriage plus the previous 20+ years of accumulated junk. Felt good to downsize and throw out. Kept the important stuff but stuff I hadn't touched in years....gone.


  • BenW

    BenW 6 years, 10 months ago

    I'm working on moving to Idaho this year. My main criteria is 2-10 acres in the country. Nearly everything that meets that criteria seems to have a home in the 2500-4000 sq ft range (or a broken down mobile home).

    I think my ideal would be in the 1500 sq ft range. A home office / study is important, and a guest bedroom is nice, though if I were building from scratch (which I might) I'd look at sticking a ~300-400 sq ft or so "guest cabin' by the house for visitors.

    Also for me, it's "smaller on the home, bigger on the shop". I'd be happier with a 1000 sq ft home and a 2000 sq ft shop rather than the reverse. :)
