Chet_Manly, JMacIV, glen and 1 other like this
This article really made me think about why we do what we do. Pardon on the language
Chet_Manly, JMacIV, glen and 1 other like this
This article really made me think about why we do what we do. Pardon on the language
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Chet_Manly 6 years, 9 months ago
I love the idea of “de-bullshitizing” universities. I felt like a considerable chuck of my undergrad was precicly that, while it could have been so much more... referencing you, English and Sociology departments.
I enjoyed the article itself, and it was cool to see the author mixing it up in the comments section.
Plus I read a great and well balanced article on Jordan B Peterson that was linked at the end of this article. That it was fair to what he actually says was refreshing and reflects well on this website.
Great post.