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"The judge in Los Angeles said Starbucks and about 90 other coffee sellers had failed to warn customers about a potentially toxic compound that is produced during the roasting process."
Added in Food
Chet_Manly likes this
"The judge in Los Angeles said Starbucks and about 90 other coffee sellers had failed to warn customers about a potentially toxic compound that is produced during the roasting process."
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ahnyerkeester 6 years, 11 months ago
I live in California and am glad they're protecting us from stuff we don't need protecting from meanwhile they're taxing us to death.
Chet_Manly 6 years, 11 months ago
I fully support California being open about their level of crazy. It seems that some states are having a race to protect us from ourselves. I wonder when (if) this ridiculousness will stop and we can see some type of reversal.
sam_acw 6 years, 11 months ago
Is California a real place or just a meme?
dewtattoo 6 years, 11 months ago
The sad part is that it's really only the beachside city's that are creating all this crap i.e. San Francisco and Los Angeles. But the truth of California is that those city's are where the money is at, so politicians listen to the wack-jobs living there. I'm from Central California, and I'm just waiting for the great quake that washes all those snowflakes out into the Pacific.