Chet_Manly, elancaster65 likes this
I changed the main image or the link.....
Wow, a good read. I had never heard of until now. This is all the more reason to keep the screens out of the hands of my kids.
Chet_Manly, elancaster65 likes this
I changed the main image or the link.....
Wow, a good read. I had never heard of until now. This is all the more reason to keep the screens out of the hands of my kids.
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Chet_Manly 7 years ago
Rough quote:
"Imagine making your kid invisible and dropping him/her off at a warehouse in downtown LA...that's what is."
That paints a picture.
Didn't know about the $1600 incentive from the Gates Foundation for kids who stay off social media till they are 16 years old. That's cool.
lhriv 7 years ago
Ah, just read through the article and the Gates Foundation doesn't actually do that - it was just a suggestion from the author. Her idea of using that incentive within families is an interesting one though.
Chet_Manly 7 years ago
Damn my innacurate speed reading. I had wondered how they might verify such a thing.
And, thanks for letting me know. I might consider doing that on my own with my kids as it's a good enough idea.
barefootgreg 7 years ago
I, too, am thinking of implementing this for my kids.