jordan, Chet_Manly likes this
"It was reported last week that Quorn is on course to become a billion-dollar business. It is part of a booming industry of meat alternatives – but many of these products are a far cry from the idea of a natural, plant-based diet."
I'm all for eating more plants, and think I'll be healthier for it. But the process for which Quorn is made makes me queasy.
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jordan 6 years, 11 months ago
I don't want to eat that.
Chet_Manly 6 years, 11 months ago
Liked for awareness... This sounds like the stuff that, as a kid, I imagined we would be eating as we cruised around the galaxy on our spaceships, needing only a balanced caloric intake since the world of tomorrow would have advanced beyond taste.
I also recall pretty much the same argument being used to sell me on soy back in the 90's or so. Now we avoid soy at all costs to the point that phrase "soy boy" is an actual thing. I guess it would be better than starvation though, should it ever come to that.
glen 6 years, 11 months ago
"This sounds like the stuff that, as a kid, I imagined we would be eating as we cruised around the galaxy on our spaceships..."
I'll definitely be wearing a helmet before I try this stuff, exploring the galaxy or not.