glen, Chet_Manly, Razorback likes this
Interesting philosophy at the end about the future of smartphone use. Will it be like smoking on planes?
glen, Chet_Manly, Razorback likes this
Interesting philosophy at the end about the future of smartphone use. Will it be like smoking on planes?
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Chet_Manly 6 years, 11 months ago
I liked that. A couple thoughts:
"'What is the point of all those instantaneous likes, shares and texts?' he wants us to ask ourselves."
Dopamine. Little hits of dopamine. I can't remember who made that connection for me (JBP probably), but I have been filtering my device use through that filter and it has helped.
In fact, I joined Instagram and only lasted two weeks before I deleted the app. My time management skills and my right thumb thanked me profusely.
I love the free market. There will be solutions found for this addiction if we just allow smart and creative people to be free enough to develop them.