Razorback, Chet_Manly, jverheyden likes this
I tried a variation of this when I was in jr. high by pouring gasoline on an ice-covered sidewalk. Didn't work, and our sidewalk smelled like gas well into the spring. My parents were not impressed.
Razorback, Chet_Manly, jverheyden likes this
I tried a variation of this when I was in jr. high by pouring gasoline on an ice-covered sidewalk. Didn't work, and our sidewalk smelled like gas well into the spring. My parents were not impressed.
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bryans 7 years ago
My dad tried this once with a large propane torch, worked great, until the melted snow refroze into a perfect sheet of ice
glen 7 years ago
Yeah, that was our problem too: the ice refroze into an even more slippery surface. Oops.
Chet_Manly 7 years ago
That sounds more like a cycle of success than a singular failure.
Razorback 7 years ago
It beats shoveling. Besides, how many chances do you get to use your flamethrower? Carpe diem.
glen 7 years ago
Seize the carp!