If I ruled as supreme despot, grand potentate for life, or whatever his title, I'd happily trade for some quality American indulgences. But I always saw this mouth breather as a closeted americanophile who probably loves cheeseburgers and Snickers but can't ever tell anyone and risk job security. They kill people in strange and grotesque ways over there...perhaps the Kim will get stuck inside his limo and eat himself to death... a la Pizza The Hutt
Why do I feel like you have just set up a Cartman centric Southpark episode. Now that I mention it, the similarities are very intriguing. Cartman...Kim. A fat little manipulative Korean bastard named Kim.... in a country where he literally can make people eat their parents.
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ahnyerkeester 7 years, 7 months ago
That is a pretty reasonable exchange. I think they could have held out for a Chick-fil-a too.
glen 7 years, 7 months ago
We would never give up a national treasure like Chick-fil-a!!
Chet_Manly 7 years, 7 months ago
If I ruled as supreme despot, grand potentate for life, or whatever his title, I'd happily trade for some quality American indulgences.
But I always saw this mouth breather as a closeted americanophile who probably loves cheeseburgers and Snickers but can't ever tell anyone and risk job security. They kill people in strange and grotesque ways over there...perhaps the Kim will get stuck inside his limo and eat himself to death... a la Pizza The Hutt
glen 7 years, 7 months ago
Hrm, I think he could just call it "research" and probably get away with it.
"Ok guys, I've got to start learning about the two American evils of 'The Walking Dead' and KFC. Come get me in about 5 hours.'
It's rough being a despot.
Chet_Manly 7 years, 7 months ago
Why do I feel like you have just set up a Cartman centric Southpark episode. Now that I mention it, the similarities are very intriguing.
Cartman...Kim. A fat little manipulative Korean bastard named Kim.... in a country where he literally can make people eat their parents.
Chet_Manly 7 years, 7 months ago
Kim Jong Un could make the Walking Dead a DPRK reality show...
(Why am I still pondering this scenario!).