racerab, Nickolas, Chet_Manly and 4 others like this
Hate. HATE! Buzzfeed but this is a good listicle. A guy that worked for me in the Air Force got in an accident on his bike and did some significant damage to his helmet. A good reminder.
racerab, Nickolas, Chet_Manly and 4 others like this
Hate. HATE! Buzzfeed but this is a good listicle. A guy that worked for me in the Air Force got in an accident on his bike and did some significant damage to his helmet. A good reminder.
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Nickolas 7 years, 8 months ago
When I was in High School (late 80's) bike helmets were just being thought of as "a good idea to wear". I worked in a bike/ski shop and would show customers a split helmet like the ones shown in the story above. The helmet split from a guy on his mountain bike flying through the air and hitting a tree. He was the owner of the store. Convinced me and anyone that I ever sold a bike to wear one that on.
Sorry to be heartless but I have not sympathy for 'tough guys' on motorcycles that don't wear one in states where its legal to do so.
glen 7 years, 8 months ago
Worked briefly with a lady who couldn't stand riding her motorcycle through the states that had mandatory helmet laws. I get people's hangups with not wanting the government to mandate things, but GEEZ.