Razorback, elancaster65, domestique34 and 10 others like this
"Ah, Center, much thanks, we're showing closer to nineteen hundred on the money."
Razorback, elancaster65, domestique34 and 10 others like this
"Ah, Center, much thanks, we're showing closer to nineteen hundred on the money."
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elancaster65 8 years ago
I once saw Brian Shul and his RIO give a talk in Redding on the SR-71 and Brian's career. It was awesome. He relayed this story as true and said it was when he and Walt clicked as a team. If you ever get the chance to read Brian Shul's story, do so. Walt's story is just as fascinating.
ahnyerkeester 8 years ago
I would love to but they said the book is $700 on Amazon! I should double check that.
Nickolas 8 years ago
Awesome story! Thanks for the share!
ahnyerkeester 8 years ago
I had recently pointed out that fighter pilots like to say that you either fly a fighter or a target. This kind of blows that away.